Friday, September 07, 2007

WildWorks Extras For September 8-9, 2007

People are back to work and kids going back to school. It is the end of summer holidays.
A brief Summer in review. The best was going to the Kanye West concert at Ottawa Bluesfest and the Feist concert.

Entertainment - The Toronto International Film Festival is happening and there seems to be lots of buzz for Ang Lee's "Lust, Caution."
The 2007 MTV Video Music Awards is happening on September 9. There's so much talk about Britney Spears making her comeback performance.

Music - The world of music lost an important figure in opera, that is Luciano Pavarotti.
On the day he passed away, the first song I listen on my iPod when catching the bus was "Miss Sarajevo" with U2 from the Original Soundtracks 1.
Lyrics for the song has now resonated. Here's the part from Luciano Pavarotti in the song;
Dici che il fiume
Trova la via al mare
E come il fiume
Giungerai a me
Oltre i confini
E le terre assetate
Dici che come fiume
Come fiume...
L'amore giunger
E non so più pregare
E nell'amore non so più sperare
E quell'amore non so più aspettare

Around Ottawa

Originally uploaded by Lenny W.

FestivAsia in Ottawa Chinatown. A new mural unveiled in Ottawa Chinatown.

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